Where do we turn to when we cannot turn to those in law enforcement for our protection? Where do we turn when law enforcement colludes with criminals in the commission of crimes? Those are questions I am asking myself now, and I don't have an answer.
I've been stalked for years, and only last week I found out, in a court of law, that the stalkers contacted the Sheriff's Office in advance and told them what they were going to do and for the sheriff's office not to interfere. My phone is tapped, my emails hacked, there was an attempted break into my house that the sheriff's office refused to investigate, and my dog was murdered.
The stalkers are family members. Had the sheriff's office done actual police work, they would have realized those relatives had reported me a missing person, started a motion to have me declared legally dead, and stole money that belongs to me from an inheritance. Either the Sheriff's office didn't do their job, or didn't care - my family is very rich.
Since when law enforcement is allowed to aid criminals in the commission of crimes? My privacy has been invaded and my dog was brutally murdered. Yet the Clark County Sheriff's Office won't allow me to file police reports. I didn't understand why until last week, during a court hearing. I'm still under surveillance, so I filed a petition to get a restraining order against the P.I. who is following me and tried to break into my house. Before the hearing would take place, the judge show me a copy of a letter he received from the P.I.s lawyer saying she was hired by my family to keep me under surveillance and that the Clark County Sheriff's Office was told in advance. The judge didn't let me present any evidence, not even the police report I filed (by email) about the attempted break in and didn't grant me the restraining order. So I'm still under surveillance.
What hurts the most is that my famiy paid the vets to poison and murder my dog, and the Clark County Sheriff's Office knows. I am 100% sure that my family's henchmen who arranged with the vets to get my dog killed were Clark County deputies.
For the last three months of his life I took him to vet after vet and didn't understand why the vets were hurting him every time more. Now I know. My family paid them, and the Sheriff's Office help them.
Q: Where do we turn to when we don't have law enforcement to turn to for help?
A: To the Internet.
This blog is to document everything my family is putting me through, their collussion with the sheriff's office, and to show the world I am alive.
You see, my family, while having me under surveillance, reported me a missing person and tried to have me declared legally dead claiming they don't know where I am.
The name of the Portland, OR P.I. they are using is Laurie Debauw, owner of Girl Friday Investigations. They also use a P.I. from Canada named Jerry Stamps, and when I lived in Dallas, TX, they used somebody named Larry Ness, who is a former US Secret Service agent.
How do I get my privacy back? Why are stalker/criminals allowed to keep their victim under surveillance and the law doesn't help the victim? This shouldn't be, regardless of how rich the criminals are.
I almost got killed and my dog got killed. The Clark County Sheriff's Office knows because they partook in what happened.
If anybody reading this blog knows of a great civil rights attorney, please let me know. Thank you.Fake missing person report my mother made about me. Scary.
I am also a victim but in my situation I was being poisoned by my wife and she had permission from her lover who happens to be an under cover officer.
ReplyDeleteJust like you I cant find anyone to report it to that cares.
The Portland Police and the Multnomah county sheriffs just pretend nothings wrong and they cover up 911 calls I make.
If you need someone that can listen then you can contact me at my email address.
My email is FightSerialKillers@yahoo.com and I live in Portland Oregon