Wednesday, March 30, 2011

About The Email From Peter Sterr

Peter Sterr is Rep. Tim Probst's aide.  I contacted Rep. Tim Probst to help me because of the Clark County Sheriff's Office involvement in what happened and is still going on.  At the beginning, the emails seemed like Rep. Probst would actually do something, but after this email, in which Peter Sterr writes that the Sheriff's Office couldn't find any personal connection between Joe Peck and Patty Locktov and asked me to provide evidence they knew each other, and my following email showing the evidence in the form of a google search result - Joe Peck and Patty Locktov were facebook friends until August 20th, 2010, at around 1 pm - the next email from Peter Sterr was to tell me Rep. Tim Probst was not going to help me at all.

Why?  Because I have evidence that the Clark County Sheriff's Office is lying about a very serious matter that they refused to investigate or to allow me to file a police report- an attempted break into my house and the people involved in that attempt.

The evidence is the Google Search results.  The Clark County Sheriff's Office has access to the Internet, and they know how to google.  They also have access to many other resources.

Claiming they couldn't find a personal connection between Joe Peck and Patty Locktov is a lie.  The Clark County Sheriff's Office is lying and Rep. Tim Probst knows it.  Rep. Tim Probst won't do anything about it.

By having me under surveillance, my family found out which vets I was taking my dog to and paid them to have him killed.  The Clark County Sheriff's Office knew my family hired P.I.s to keep me under surveillance and never warned me.  They dismissed me, even as my dog's health was deteriorating rapidly in front of their eyes.  I did take my dog to the Prescint.  They saw what they were doing.  They didn't care. 

Money talks, my family walks.

I don't vote for those who are corrupt, therefore I won't vote for Rep. Tim Probst.

1 comment:

  1. I am also a victim but in my situation I was being poisoned by my wife and she had permission from her lover who happens to be an under cover officer.
    Just like you I cant find anyone to report it to that cares.
    The Portland Police and the Multnomah county sheriffs just pretend nothings wrong and they cover up 911 calls I make.
    If you need someone that can listen then you can contact me at my email address.
    My email is and I live in Portland Oregon
